Master Classes

Miranda Priestly - Personal shopping

How does it work?

Miranda Priestly conducts VIP Masterclasses which involves small intimate groups of approximately 25/30 people. These take place in select venues and locations frequently around the country.

These Masterclasses are also very suitable for any company or business to increase self confidence and moral within the workforce to help with the ongoing corporate demands of employees.

My approach

Miranda's VIP Masterclass is a 3 hour fun filled informative afternoon. Practical style advice for the busy women of today.

  • Discover how to be more body confident by learning all the do’s and don’ts for your personal body shape.
  • Learn how to shop more successfully for your personality/lifestyle.
  • Rediscover your own sense of style.
  • Get all the inside information from Gail regarding good capsule wardrobe purchases urrently on the market.
Miranda Priestly - Personal shopping

Each session

$80 per hour for Personal Shopping Experience in New York. Price for minimum 2 hours

© Copyright - Camila Ciol 2019